Our nylon bags are the perfect way to store all of your makeup and travel necessities. They could also be a chic way to store school and stationary accessories. This bag comes with patches adhered to it. They are sewn on. These items are not customizable.
Our "stuff" bags are the medium sized bags. The "skin" bag is our large sized bag. Our "travel" bag is the XL size bag. The travel bag is HUGE and can fit SO much in it.
❤️ Stuff Light Pink Bag Dimensions❤️
Dimensions: 9.4 x 1.96 x 4.92 inches
Gold Zipper Detailing
❤️Stuff Neon Pink Bag Dimensions❤️
Dimensions: 9.4 x 1.96 x 4.92 inches
Gold Zipper Detailing
❤️Skin Lilac Bag Dimensions❤️
Dimensions: 10.23 x 3.34 x 5.5 inches
Gold Zipper Detailing
❤️Cream Travel Bag Dimensions❤️
Dimensions: 10.82 x 4.92 x 7.87 inches
Gold Zipper Detailing
These bags have a silk lining as well!